A famous adage goes “Team work is more work”. I agree with the fact that people working as a team, rather than working individually performs better when working towards a common goal. But it should be directed by one person who is responsible for managing the project. He/She should be the central authority and be responsible to get the task done.
Team discussions and planning is essential and productive part of a project, but if one person is not given the responsibility to lead the team, then there is a possibility that the discussions will go in all possible directions and no decision is reached, a point of gridlock. So after any discussion, optimal solution should be identified and a team should work of the solution in that direction.
Another reason to have one central authority is that, he/she is responsible to keep the team motivated in all phases of project completion. There can be many road blocks when completing a task, like the plan might not work the way it was intended to during the design, new budget constraints might come up, due to external reasons deadline might shrink. If one person takes the responsibility to make required changes to the plan or solution, then sailing through such difficulties becomes easy.
For example in my project, our team regularly has meetings in which our next agenda is discussed, progress is analyzed and any change required to the current plan is discussed. At the end, it is the supervisor who distributes the work based on the person’s ability and time crunch.
It is always easy to deal with one point of contact rather than, different people and different opinions. So I would say that any team should have healthy discussions but one person should be responsible to steer the team in the right direction to get the work done effectively.
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