Friday, September 9, 2011

My take 6: What work ?

One of the most important things in anyone’s life is work. Irrespective of what work you do, how you do it is extremely important. Edison said ‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, Tesla, who was his contemporary, said that the 90% perspiration can be reduced to 10% by planning and doing smart work. In my opinion hard work is good but smart work is better.

Life is no longer a simple routine where man leaves the house to farms in the morning, and woman would cook and take care of kids at home. In today’s life each individual juggles between various tasks and in such a scenario just hard work is not sufficient.

Usually as we have a heap of tasks to complete in one day, prioritizing and doing the most important ones first is extremely important, otherwise we would be buried in the pile of tasks waiting to be finished and we would have absolutely no time to relax or unwind.

For example let us say a supervisor is extremely hard working and sits and finishes every task that comes his way, then no amount of time would be sufficient to finish all the tasks, as he is not distributing them among his group, this would also make it difficult for him to meet all the deadlines. On the other hand if he or she smartly assigns work to his or her team members based on their individual capabilities then the burden is reduced and he can accomplish more work in less time.

In our work life, accomplishing the tasks that are challenging and being recognized for them is motivational. On the other hand, doing mundane work day after day would be demoralizing and depressing. This in turn will have a negative effect on our personal life as well because we would reach home exhausted and depressed.

It is always in our benefit to prioritize the work and pass of some of the tasks if we are not able to handle all the load. This way we would create a healthy balance. This is smartest way of handling the work life.

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